PHP Classes

File: public/vendors/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   Devs Hunt   public/vendors/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss   Download  
File: public/vendors/bootstrap/scss/_type.scss
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Devs Hunt
Manage courses and student enrolment
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 months ago
Size: 2,222 bytes


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// stylelint-disable selector-list-comma-newline-after // // Headings // h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 { margin-bottom: $headings-margin-bottom; font-family: $headings-font-family; font-weight: $headings-font-weight; line-height: $headings-line-height; color: $headings-color; } h1, .h1 { @include font-size($h1-font-size); } h2, .h2 { @include font-size($h2-font-size); } h3, .h3 { @include font-size($h3-font-size); } h4, .h4 { @include font-size($h4-font-size); } h5, .h5 { @include font-size($h5-font-size); } h6, .h6 { @include font-size($h6-font-size); } .lead { @include font-size($lead-font-size); font-weight: $lead-font-weight; } // Type display classes .display-1 { @include font-size($display1-size); font-weight: $display1-weight; line-height: $display-line-height; } .display-2 { @include font-size($display2-size); font-weight: $display2-weight; line-height: $display-line-height; } .display-3 { @include font-size($display3-size); font-weight: $display3-weight; line-height: $display-line-height; } .display-4 { @include font-size($display4-size); font-weight: $display4-weight; line-height: $display-line-height; } // // Horizontal rules // hr { margin-top: $hr-margin-y; margin-bottom: $hr-margin-y; border: 0; border-top: $hr-border-width solid $hr-border-color; } // // Emphasis // small, .small { @include font-size($small-font-size); font-weight: $font-weight-normal; } mark, .mark { padding: $mark-padding; background-color: $mark-bg; } // // Lists // .list-unstyled { @include list-unstyled(); } // Inline turns list items into inline-block .list-inline { @include list-unstyled(); } .list-inline-item { display: inline-block; &:not(:last-child) { margin-right: $list-inline-padding; } } // // Misc // // Builds on `abbr` .initialism { @include font-size(90%); text-transform: uppercase; } // Blockquotes .blockquote { margin-bottom: $spacer; @include font-size($blockquote-font-size); } .blockquote-footer { display: block; @include font-size($blockquote-small-font-size); color: $blockquote-small-color; &::before { content: "\2014\00A0"; // em dash, nbsp } }