PHP Classes

PGBrowser: Access remote site pages submitting forms

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StarStarStar 47%Total: 274 All time: 7,676 This week: 71Up
Version License PHP version Categories
pgbrowser 0.1GNU General Publi...3.0HTML, HTTP, PHP 5


This package can access remote site pages submitting forms to emulate a normal Web browser.

The main page browser class can send HTTP requests to remote Web site servers to retrieve pages of a given URL.

It can analyze the contents the retrieved page and find the forms it may contain.

A forms processing class can submit new HTTP requests to emulate the submission of the found forms, eventually after setting form inputs to given values.

The browser class can return details of the retrieved pages like the page title.

The user agent defined in the HTTP requests set to the Web server is a configurable parameter.

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Week rank: 187 Up3 in Philippines Philippines Up


PGBrowser ========= A 'pretty good' mechanize-like php library for managing cookies and submitting forms. Read the [Documentation]( ```php require 'pgbrowser.php'; $b = new PGBrowser(); $page = $b->get(''); $form = $page->form(); $form->set('q', 'foo'); $page = $form->submit(); echo $page->title; ``` Now do something with $page->html or query it with $page->xpath->query() PGBrowser will also let you query the page with phpquery, simple-html-dom, [advanced-html-dom]( or xpath: ```php require 'pgbrowser.php'; require 'phpquery.php'; $browser = new PGBrowser('advanced'); $page = $browser->get(''); foreach($page->search('li.g') as $li){ echo $li->at('a')->text . "\n"; } ``` *New* - PGBrowser can now cache requests to disk and reuse them on subsequent requests to save network traffic. Cached responses go into a folder called 'cache' ```php $browser->useCache = true; // turn on cacheing $browser->useCache = false; // turn off cacheing ```

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Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example Example script
Plain text file pgbrowser.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

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