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PG CSV: Parse and write data from arrays into CSV files

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pg-csv 0.1MIT/X Consortium ...5PHP 5, Files and Folders


This class can parse and write data from arrays into CSV files.

It can read and parse a CSV file and return its data as an array.

The class can write records of data from associative arrays to a CSV file.

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pgcsv ===== A 'pretty good' CSV library for Php ### Writing ----------- ```php $fields = array('name', 'phone', 'address'); $csv = new CSV('output.csv', $fields); $person = array( 'name' => 'Jow Brown', 'phone' => '123 222-0123', 'address' => '666 Buckingham Palace' ); $csv->save($person); $csv->close(); ``` By default, CSV saves data with a utf-8 BOM to make it Excel-friendly. You can change that though. ### Reading ----------- ```php $data = CSV::read('input.csv'); ``` CSV expects the first row to be headers, but you can change that. You can also change the delimiter. ### Iterating ----------- ```php foreach(CSV::iterate('input.csv') as $row){ echo $row['name'] . "\n"; } ``` Iterating this way means the whole file does not need to be in memory. ### CSV Generation ----------- ```php header("Content-type: text/csv"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.csv"); $fields = array('name', 'phone', 'address'); $csv = new CSV('php://output', $fields); $person = array( 'name' => 'Jow Brown', 'phone' => '123 222-0123', 'address' => '666 Buckingham Palace' ); $csv->save($person); $csv->close(); ```

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