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What is the best PHP qrcode scanner class?: Scan QR code

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What is the best PHP qrcode scanner class?

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Picture of se Gondal by se Gondal - 7 years ago (2016-07-11)

Scan QR code

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I need to scan a QR code to identify and login a user in PHP.

  • 2 Clarification requests
  • 2. Picture of Christian Vigh by Christian Vigh - 7 years ago (2016-07-19) Reply

    Well, in the field of logistics I have seen approaches that may look naive but which work : normally, barcode or qrcode scanners have drivers for the host operating system that allow them to substitute themselves to the keyboard.

    The user typically has a form with a field aimed at receiving the scanned data, so that the end user has Nothing else to do but scanning.

    It's up then to the software to process the scanned data (javascript on client side, php on server side) but the scanner driver has already made all the steps to decode the pictograms and return them as ascii text or whatever.

    So my question is : what are your exact needs in terms of performance, accuracy and ease of use ?

    • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - 7 years ago (2016-07-19) Reply

      This requires JavaScript some code on the browser side to scan the qrcode.

      There is a JavaScript page on JSClasses to scan qr codes and bar codes with a Webcam. You may try to integrate that with PHP code that receives the scanned code on the server side.

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